Wednesday 22 June 2011

A Day with The Model Camp

I had an amazing day with Gary & Lewis from themodelcamp  yesterday....we had a beautiful model, Louise and a great MUA, Rachael Davies Mua ... and apart from getting in the way at times ...I  had the honour of being a second photographer to Lewis, while Gary was head of styling & lighting... These guys are at the top of their game and I feel really privileged to have been part of the team!  It was a great experience for me and I'm back for more tomorrow!! :)

All these images were shot on location at in  Coleshill  (check out their website!)

Friday 17 June 2011

SWPP Semina with John Denton & Fredau H

 I had a great day with John & Fredau at the Chessford Grange Hotel- Leamington on Monday
Here are a selection of images I took on the day. Many thanks both for sharing all the knowledge I could possible hold in one day! :)

Rainbows Ladies Day - The Red Lion - Burbage -Leics

A last minute request for a photographer found me at a Rainbows Charity Ascot Ladies Day yesterday...although not my usual genre..I had a wonderful day..All the Ladies looked amazing and they had a nice surprise from Joel who was waiting to serve them champagne as they arrived!

The weather was beautiful for pretty much the whole of the day... A lot of work was put in to make the day a really terrific day...well done to everyone...

If you still wish to purchase pictures either give me a call on 07515382865 (mobile) or email me at